Video consultations

Microsoft Teams Need help?

Meeting ID: 356 050 236 332

Passcode: d34F6iJ6

11th April 2025 10AM

Please enter your password

Help and Support

You can join a Teams meeting from any device and whether or not you have a Teams account. If you don't have an account, you can join as a guest.

Joining on a desktop computer/laptop:

  • You can use either Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.
  • Select the link to the meeting above.
  • This will open a web page, select either Continue on this browser / Join on the web. 
  • If your browser asks if it is okay for Teams to use your mic and camera, please allow it.
  • Enter your name and choose your audio and video settings.
  • Press Join now.
  • This will bring you into the meeting lobby where a facilitator will admit you. 

Joining on a Smartphone or tablet:

  • Select the link to the meeting above. 
  • If you do not already have the Teams mobile app, you'll be taken to your app store to download it. 
  • Download the app and open it from the app store page.
  • Teams will ask if it is okay to use your mic. Be sure to allow it so others in the meeting will be able to hear you.
  • Next, you'll be given two options for joining your meeting: Join as a guest or Sign in and join. Choose Join as a guest.
  • Type your name and tap Join meeting. This will bring you into the meeting lobby where a facilitator will admit you to the programme. 
  • Once you are in the meeting, you can turn your video or mic on or off by tapping on the centre of your screen to show the meeting controls. Tap again to hide them. 

If for any reason you cannot connect, please close Microsoft Teams and try connecting again. If you lose connection during a session, please reconnect by again selecting the invitation link.

If you are unable to attend your appointment, please notify the Pain Service via or leave a message on 01823 343151 on the day of the appointment.